Press Release Summary: Canadian Expat Network Announces National Launch that connects Canadian expats with common business and social interests, common expat challenges and a common heritage
Press Release Body: The Canadian Expat Network (CEN), an online community that connects Canadians in the U.S and abroad, announces a National launch with the \"Canada Day Expat Giveaway\". This Giveaway will be a celebration of Canadian Heritage and a connection with well known Canadian brands. CEN's headquarters is in Cary, NC.
The Giveaway includes sponsors such as Air Canada, RBC Bank, MacLean's Magazine, IMG, the Calgary Flames, Ottawa Senators, One Coach, Bashyam Spiro & Edgerton and the Select Group.
The Canadian Expat Network is the first online community that allows Canadian expats to connect based on common social and business interests, common challenges and a common heritage. Today an estimated 2 million Canadian expats live in the U.S. with over 100 Regional event based groups worldwide. Members are able take advantage of valuable networking connections, member only discounts, forums and important information that an expat community would need.